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Home loans

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finger pointing at cabinet to choose different pastries

Over the last few years, non-bank lenders have given mainstream banks a run for their money....

Man holding a mechanical pencil writing on a piece of paper

Buying or selling a home can be an expensive process with professionals’ fees and other costs...

Red neon sign that says tax

If you’ve been with a lender for many years, it’s natural to assume you’ll be rewarded...

Jar of coins with a sticker that reads house fund

When you apply for a home loan with a small deposit, many lenders want to see...

Old style abacus sitting on a table

When you take out a home loan, you need to repay the amount you borrowed plus...

Globe of the earth with a compass keychain attached

While you might love the location of your next property, some lenders might not be quite...

Scrabble tiles all jumbled together

The mortgage process comes with a lot of confusing jargon. So if you don’t know the...

Front view of a dog looking out a window towards the camera

Life has changed and you need to move on – whether that’s upsizing, downsizing or relocating...

person hiding under the covers of a bed with their hair sticking out

Nobody likes fees. But most people realise that delivering a product or service costs money, and...

Young girls with pigtails raising her hand in class

When you take on a mortgage, it’s a big financial commitment. So it’s important to choose...

Optus data breach: No Well Money systems have been compromised as a result of the Optus data breach. We take security very seriously and continue to monitor the situation.
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