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Man standing at a glass window looking through binoculars to the sea

A good buyer’s agent can make buying your next home or investment property a lot less...

Family selling stuff before moving

Selling property can be stressful, but it’s even more complicated when there are tenants involved. Your...

Couple renovating house with pizza box

Renovations can breathe new life into your property, whether it’s freshening up a tired room or...

The words tax return printed on a typewriter page

Part of being a property investor is dealing with administrative tasks, such as tax. If you...

Back view of a person in a hoodie and jacket sitting on concrete blocks

Buying a home is likely the biggest purchase you’ll ever make in your life. And while...

Family hanging up pictures after moving in.

Moving house ranks as one of life’s most stressful events. Yet, despite how stressful it can...

aerial view of lots of houses all squashed up together.

Buying a property has never been easy, especially for people who have low incomes and live...

Family with child between man and woman holding hands at the beach in front of the waves

Maybe it’s the sun, fresh air and the beautiful scenery talking, but holiday homes seemingly offer...

Real estate agent handing over keys to a young couple

Ready to make the leap from renting to buying a home? Well, before you begin the...

image of a gavel

Auctions can be an exciting but nerve-racking way of buying property – especially if you’ve never...

Optus data breach: No Well Money systems have been compromised as a result of the Optus data breach. We take security very seriously and continue to monitor the situation.
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